Questions & Answers

Find out the answers to many of the frequent questions we get about 7 Elite Academy and all it’s services. If you cannot find an answer here, please get in touch here.


In Utah, practices are generally held twice per week and a typical week will have one game. Some weeks may have an additional game as well. The league game season runs from August to October and then again from March to May.

Our Saba College Showcase travel teams can practice up to 3 times a week, not including opportunities to work with physical therapists, sports psychologists, attending film study sessions and college recruiting seminars, and other Saba events.

The majority of league games occur on Saturday, but can take place on any day of the week, except Sunday. Practices are generally held between Monday and Friday.

Practices are determined by the Coach and Team Manager. We do secure fields for practice that teams can utilize as well. Also, as part of 7 Elite Academy, teams in the Salt Lake Metro area have access free of charge to our indoor training facility during winter months.

In Salt Lake, games take place at the West Jordan Soccer Complex and Terra Linda Elementary (just around the corner from our indoor training facility). In Utah County they typically take place at Osier Park.

In St George the league sets the locations, typically at Little Valley Fields, Sullivan Soccer Park, and a mix of other locations.

In Weber/Davis County games typically take place at Roy West Park or Weber County Fairgrounds.

Participation in tournaments is determined on a team level with the parents and coaches. We encourage every team to participate in tournaments, most especially in the 7 Elite Academy International Tournament held the first weekend in February in Saint George, Utah and Mesquite, Nevada.

The price points are not published because they vary depending on the area you live in, and are also based on the age of the player. Please email [email protected] for our fees structure.